вівторок, 16 серпня 2011 р.

Becoming a Physical Therapist: Degrees and Requirements

Do you know what degrees you need to pursue for becoming a physical therapist? Well, the system of physical therapist education is a bit complicated, but we will clear up the picture right now.

First Step to Becoming a Physical Therapist

You probably know that your way to becoming a physical therapist begins from graduate school. So before actually becoming a physical therapist you have to pursue a Bachelor's degree. It doesn't matter in what field you obtain your degree. Still, you have to take some required courses to be eligible for becoming a physical therapist afterwards. You must study biology, anatomy, physics, chemistry and math. After completing your undergraduate program you will be able to proceed with Master's degree.

Master's Degree for Becoming a Physical Therapist

There are two types of Master's degree programs: Direct Entry Master of Physical Therapy and Transitional Master of Physical Therapy. The first type is designed for those who haven't studied physical therapy before. In general, this program takes from 2 to 3 years. The program of the second type is created for those who already hold a Bachelor's degree in physical therapy and want to advance their level. These days many practicing physical therapists hold only Bachelor's degree. And this type of physical therapist education give practicing professionals the possibility to make use of their course credits and experience and gain higher degree.

To be eligible for graduate physical therapist education you must have an average GPA of at least 3.0 in biology and science. In addition to this, you will have to comply with the following requirements:

  • to pass Graduate Records Exam (GRE)
  • to provide recommendation letters
  • to write an essay
  • to complete an interview with the admission committee

Doctoral Degree for Becoming a Physical Therapist

First thing you should do when thinking of doctorate is to visit APTA (American Physical Therapy Association). Here you can find the doctoral degree program that will be the most suitable for you. After completing this type of physical therapist education, which generally takes 2-3 years, feel free to apply for state licensing! Doctoral degree programs are also of two types: Direct Entry Doctor of Physical Therapy and Transitional Doctor of Physical Therapy. The system is the same as with Master's degree. The first program is for students with undergraduate qualification in another field. It is completed in 3 years. The second type is for practicing physical therapists and takes 2 years. After that your dream of becoming a physical therapist will become a reality!

середу, 22 червня 2011 р.

Your Guide to Become a Physical Therapist

Becoming a physical therapist is a great opportunity to launch a prosperous career. If you are interested in natural sciences, medicine and physics this career path can meet your career goals. If you also like to help people in every day life, then it’s surely a perfect choice! So how to become a physical therapist with no problems?

Main Steps to Become a Physical Therapist

1. Start with Undergraduate Degree

Getting a Bachelor's Degree in physical therapy is the first step on your way to become a physical therapist. Basically, it’s an entry-level degree to the profession. Bachelor’s Degree is, on average, 4 years in duration.

2. Gain Experience

During your undergraduate physical therapist education try to gain some practical experience. It is the most important think in this manual on how to become a physical therapist! Consider taking a volunteer work in clinics or organizations where physical therapy is practiced. Being prepared in advance will definitely help you to become a physical therapist!

3. Get a Graduate Degree

With the reference to the APTA (American Physical Therapy Association) report of 2009, there are 212 accredited graduate physical therapy schools. Given this data, you have a wide choice of options to become a physical therapist. On average, it takes from 2 to 2.5 years to complete a Master's Degree in physical therapy. Graduate degree programs for becoming a physical therapist include theoretical courses, lab classes and clinical hours. Graduating from the school you will be perfectly prepared to become a physical therapist!

How to Become a Licensed Physical Therapist


For becoming a physical therapist you have to get a license. As a main requirement you will have to successfully pass the National Physical Therapy Examination. Some states may have some extra requirements for becoming a physical therapist. Check them out before submitting your papers for the license procedure.

5.Continuing Education

Getting a license is the last step on your way to becoming a physical therapist. Yet you must remember that your license is to be renewed every two years. In order to prove your qualification upon license renewal you will have to take some courses prior to that.

So have you found out the answer on how to become a physical therapist? The way to becoming a physical therapist is quite long and requires a great deal of time and efforts. However, becoming a physical therapist is absolutely worth it!